You see your baby grow, she reaches milestones and it’s exciting. But there is nothing to prepare you for when they lose that first top front tooth. It is then that you realize that there is no going back, this is the point where they start to drastically change and grow up. She is no longer my baby, and every time I look at my little Aubrey part of me is sad. Eventually I’ll get used to it and get excited for her new upcoming mile stones, but even after 5 kiddos, this is the marker that is the hardest for me to accept. A little glimpse into Aubrey’s personality. This top tooth has been loose for a long time, but not overly loose. She came in with a paper towel in her hand and declared that tooth was coming out today and not 30 minutes later she had pulled it out.

Not the best picture, she chose to pull it out right before bed.