Day: July 7, 2008
Busy, busy dreadfully busy…

We left for Provo last week, and spent the week here with Danny. It’s been a great week full of family, fishing and fun. Really, I have decided that I hate fishing, but I’m still trying to have fun. Tanner has completed his soccer camp at BYU, and now we are just hanging out waiting for Emma’s camp to begin in two weeks. Danny flew back home today, and we miss him terribly already. Alyssa keeps saying “Daddy, bye, bye”. We’re looking forward to talking with him tonight on OooVoo.
The 4th of July was fun, we went to the parade here in Provo, luckily our apartment is just a block from the parade route, so we walked to a local bakery for some breakfast and grabbed ourselves a place to watch the parade from. People spend the night camping out for a parade site, but we found a lovely spot behind some portable potties, I guess no one else wanted it, but the potties provided nice shade and we tried not to listen when people went potty. The kids loved the jets that flew over head, and we all loved the the fire engines, and sirens. We walked up to BYU campus for Stadium of Fire and watched the fireworks, they were wonderful. Aubrey stayed awake for the first 10 minutes of the fireworks, but was sound asleep by the end, who can sleep through fireworks?
Today we got up and did laundry, it has been so long since I’ve used a laundry mat, but it was actually pleasant, the place was empty the older kids helpful and it was all done in an hour and a half. Then we went to a local park, and then back to the apartment for quiet time. We’ve been on the go for the last week, and I’m feeling the need for a schedule at least for the next two weeks while Danny is gone.
Emma caught the first fish on the 5th and it was huge, it broke the line when we tried to lift it up and had to get a net to pull it in, luckily there was a kid walking the lake shore just looking for someone to help, and he jumped right into the lake and pulled it in. Danny and Monte tied it up but when we went to get it at the end of the day it was gone, Darn (no sarcasm there). I guess we didn’t have to gut it and eat it… I should have taken the kids to Red Lobster that night, that is how I enjoy my fish with out eyeballs.
I have pictures of this monster fish, but I have to figure out how to get pictures off my camera on the laptop and not my computer at home, there is no card reader, and I’m not familiar with this computer so you’ll just have to believe my fish story until I can get pictures on…