35 Years

In honor of your 35th birthday I give you 35 things I love about you!

1. Your Smile
2. Your eye color
3. You communicate well (rare for a person who talks with computers for a living)
4. Smart… is there anything you don’t know?
5. You change diapers
6. You do dishes
7. You’ll eat ANYTHING!
8. You’ll watch chick flicks with me
9. You’re honest
10.You work hard
11. You’re a great father
12. You ALWAYS put the toilet seat down
13. You kill critters for me
14. You listen to me blab about things that bore you
15. You tell me that you love me everyday
16. You care about community things, learn and study them out
17. You’ll eat left overs
18. Did I mention dishes?
19. You really good at organizing things
20. You’re not afraid to help with laundry
21. You are patient with the kids
22. You keep my computer running
23. I know you stand by me and things that are important to me
24. You do projects with the kids
25. You readily help me with painting projects
26. You give baths
27. You’ll cook
28. You don’t hog the bed
29. You let me drive
30. You’re a good provider
31. You lead our family in prayer and scriptures
32. You have compassion
33. You’re loving
34. You’re kind
35. You’re You!

Happy Birthday, I love you I hope you’ve had a good day.