Just a few pictures

Hallie went to the doctor today. We were told to watch for jaundice with all of her bruising, I guess there is a connection there. Anyway, she is a little jaundice, and they are sending over lights for us tonight.

Someone said where is Danny in the pictures, and you are right! It has been so crazy, so when Hallie woke up this afternoon I had to get some pictures with Daddy.

2 thoughts on “Just a few pictures”

  1. Awesome. I haven’t had the internet for a couple of days and was wondering how everything was going and now I see. She is beautiful. She looks like Connie. Her name is beautiful as well.

  2. Connie, she is beautiful. And I can tell right off that she’s an O’Barr. So cute. I am sorry your labor was traumatizing but she’s here and I couldn’t be more excited for your family. You are my hero!

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