Things are good

Life is good.  There are so many places I have to be, so many things that need to be done… yet things can be changed forever  in seconds.  I have been following this heart breaking story (here) .  A reminder to me how precious life is, how diligent I need to be as a parent, and how important it is to tell the people you love what they mean to you.

This has been a CrAzY week.  Tanner had two basketball games, scouts, there was activity days for Emma and the spelling bee at the end of the week and two piano lessons.  I feel tired and worn out trying to keep up with it all, but at the same time so happy that we have so many fun things to do.

The spelling bee was a nail biter.  Emma did so great, but at the last word CHOKED big time.  Poor kid, I tried to get her to hold it together, I didn’t think she’d want all of the pictures in the paper to be of her with tears in her eyes.  She did shed a few but for the most part held it together.  She took second place, and did so well.  I have no doubts that next year she will take 1st place.  She has this goal to make it to the national spelling bee in Washington D.C. and had she won she would have been one step closer… Oh well, it was, overall a positive experience.

A few pictures from our busy week.

Waiting for the Bee to begin

Emma with the her GT teacher and the two other students sent to the Bee from her school.

Grandma O’Barr sent Alyssa this little dress up skirt that she made with some left over material.  Alyssa, of course, loves it.  She asked me if she could wear it to Disney Land to show Sleeping Beauty.