
*I can’t find one of Alyssa’s church sandals–she has worn last years sandals for two weeks in a row–her toes hang over the edge.

*On my bed lays a mountain of laundry waiting to be folded, and it probably wont be folded today

*I ate half a box of Nilla Wafer’s today, and I hate Nilla Wafers

*Don’t open my pantry

*The bottom of my diaper bag is scary, smashed dried raisins, sticky sucker with no wrapper… most of it is unidentifiable.  I’ll probably huck it instead of clean it when I’m done being a mom of babies

*Unfinished sewing projects plague me, but not enough to finish them

*I enjoy watching TLC’s show called Hoarders it makes me not feel so bad about my own house keeping skills

I’m not sure where I’m headed with this, just keeping it real I think.  Often there is so much we don’t see in others, it’s easy to get caught up in the “Grass is Greener”.  I sometimes have to step back and remind myself that life is not a race, the only person I’m competing against is myself.

How about a few more confessions?  Alyssa has been having a hard time staying in bed.  The best way to keep her in her bed is to threaten to take away her pillow and special blanket.  Well once the threat is out there there has to be a follow through.  Most nights the threat is enough.  Last night she decided to call my bluff, so she lost her pillow and blanket.  Needless to say she was very upset.  Aubrey and Alyssa sleep together in a Queen sized bed.  When all was quiet Danny went to return her treasures to her and found that Aubrey had shared her pillow with Alyssa.  Now I’m not sure if this is a “good job Mom” moment or not.  It’s good in one way that Alyssa stayed in bed, hopefully learned that the threat will be followed through with.  It’s good that we’ve raised a little girl to have compassion and to share and comfort her sister in time of need.  Or is it bad that my 5 year old had to play Mommy and take care of her sister?  I’m torn, but found it sweet nonetheless.

My master closet had become quite the nightmare.  I’ve been trying to do one Spring Cleaning project every week, and decided to start here.  I pulled 8 garbage bags worth of stuff to donate or just get rid of.  How liberating it was.  I am no longer haunted by my closet.  I do wonder if Alyssa missing sandal went out in one of the bags… I’ve looked everywhere else.



The top of the kitchen cabinets got a thorough cleaning also. I’ve never been good at decorating over the tops of cabinets, so I’ve decided to just not decorate up there, less things to dust right?

OK, now you all know some of my dirty little secrets.

2 thoughts on “Confessions”

  1. Well my closet is scaring me. I did clean our bookshelf in the master and Todd had been collecting every peice of mail while I was gone. I threw a huge garbage can full. It was so heavy, that I had to have the boys take it out. Was Alyssa wearing sunglasses in bed?

  2. You have given me hope! I can organize our pantry and our bedroom and still have Ryan paint the room for our baby and organize that room before she’s born! Your girls are precious! (Your closet wasn’t as scary as ours is.)

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