Feeling Bad

OK, I was feeling bad that I was ragging on Valentines Day, so I copied this from someone I know and thought it would be a perfect post on my blog.

My Husband

What is his name? Honey, Dad, Danny to me, but most people Dan

How long have you been together? Almost 12 years.
How long did you date? 6 weeks (YIKES)
How old is he? 34…
Who eats more? Probably close to the same (hang my head in shame)
Who is taller? Danny
Who can sing better? Me
Who is smarter? Danny, definitely!
Who does the laundry? Mostly me but he helps on the weekends.
Who pays the bills? Danny
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Danny if your looking at the bed, me if your lying in the bed
Who mows the lawn? Danny
Who cooks dinner? Mostly me .
Who drives? Mostly me
Who is more stubborn? Danny, but he might answer differently
Who kissed who first? I think he kissed me.
Who asked who out first? Danny asked me out first but their was a miscommunication with phone numbers so it almost didn’t happen.
Who proposed? Danny (sigh, good memories)
Who has more friends? Probably me, but he has a lot of friends at work.
Who is more sensitive? Me, I can be such a boob…
Who has more siblings? Danny, 7him 4me
Who wears the pants? Me some days him others

Alright I feel like I have redeemed myself from my bad feelings about Valentines Day.

Bah Humbug… Valentines Day

Yesterday was Valentines Day. I told Danny not to do anything for me for Valentines Day, I think I have finally outgrown the holiday, but I didn’t think he’d actually do nothing… I’m not upset though, I don’t need a holiday to feel loved by Danny, I know he loves me all the time. Aubrey was really cute there is a boy in our ward who plays a lot with Aubrey and he brought her over a Valentine yesterday, and she said, “He must really love me”. Today at preschool she told him when she grows up big big like her mommy (easy on the big kid) and he grows up big big like his Daddy that they can get married. It’s all innocent so I’m not worried, and I don’t promote it, I just thought it was a sweet gesture. Anyway, it wasn’t all a bah humbug day, I do have children after all, and they haven’t outgrown the holiday so I got busy and made up a double batch of sugar cookie hearts for FHE (after I went to the gym of course). The kids spent a lot of time decorating them and not nearly as much time eating them. We had loads of fun. I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day, I know I did just watching my kids enjoy the day.