Taggie Blanket

I love simple projects like this they are so instantly gratifying. I ran to the fabric store last night after Danny got home from work. I have decided that grocery shopping I can do with 5 kids, but the fabric store is no place for really young children, it makes making a decision impossible. The constant “look at this” or “what about this” and if it’s not that it’s “where is Alyssa?” or “I know it’s soft, but they don’t want you to wrap up in it.” My attention is in a million pieces and I just can’t think. Anyway, I was able to get in quickly last night and I came out with material for a few projects.

I made this Taggie Blanket this afternoon in the amount of time a Care Bear movie takes to run. I don’t really need it, but it was fun, and I’m still working on my simple sewing skills so this was just right for me.

My next project is (here)