Doctrine and Covenants, Section 38 Verse 32:
“Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto the commandment that ye should go to the Ohio;
and there I will give unto you my law;
and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;”
When I boarded the plane from SLC to take my little family to Ohio, I couldn’t help but think that my ancestors were rolling their eyes at me. They worked so hard to get to Utah, and I was being an ungrateful brat and undoing it all in a 4 hour flight. Oh what they must think? Now that I’m here and I see the great beauty, the awesome buildings, I think that they are probably happy that someone is getting to see what they accomplished and worked so hard for. They are probably happy that we can return to Ohio and live in peace. I’m sure the decision to follow the word of the prophet was not an easy one, they had themselves a beautiful life here. I wonder if I would have been able to leave it all?
Some close friends of ours recently visited from Nevada. It was so great to see them. We spent a wonderful day in Kirtland, although there just wasn’t quite enough time. Next time we will get a room, there was so much that we missed. Having the H family visit reminded us how much we miss our friends, but we also realized that the best thing about good friends is how you can just pick up where you left off. They will forever be our friends. Thank You H family for coming to see us.

After spending 2 hours on a tour at the site of N.K. Whitney store and touring where Joseph Smith and Emma lived and a few “filter-missing” comments from Alyssa during the tour I didn’t think it was a good idea to take her and Hallie on the hour and a half temple tour. We had the most amazing time though. We walked to a nearby cemetery and found the grave of Emma and Joseph’s twins, and the home of theirs where the twins died. None of this is on any tour. We wandered the cemetery for a long time, and Alyssa was so focused. I think I read to her every name on every stone in the yard. We wandered the gardens at the temple, and touched the front doors.
Cemeteries have never been creepy to me, I find them very peaceful, and this one was no exception. I can’t imagine the incredible pain Emma and Joseph experienced in this place.
This is the front door of the Kirtland Temple. I suppose I had bitter feelings that the church doesn’t own this temple anymore. I know that if the Lord thought it was important that it be in our possession then it would be, so I guess I shouldn’t waste time worrying. What does bother me is that the temple doesn’t have its original finish that the saints worked hard to make and it has fake cracks painted on it so that it looks like an “old,” “historical” building. Danny assured me that the Spirit is strong inside and that Aubrey was in awe. I look forward to taking the tour next time we visit.
For a little history lesson on Kirtland go here
While we were so close we had to go up and see Lake Erie for a few minutes.
One of Alyssa’s finer moments:
While in the room of the School of the Prophets, we were given a few minutes of silence to feel the spirit in the room. It was hot and there were lots of us in there. After a few minutes the missionaries asked if anyone had any questions when Alyssa replied “Yes, when can we get out of this room?” Either this child was born ultra honest, or born missing that filter between brain and mouth.
Loving the blog. I loved Emma’s poem too. We sure had a great time. I loved your comments about Kirtland. Next time we will have to spend the night. You will be going soon with the parents.
Love ya,