What am I doing awake?

Well it’s 4 in the morning, and I’m awake. I’m having a hard time sleeping, my good friends 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and is going in for surgery in a couple of days and it makes me so sad.
Anyway, I’m reading email, and came across this. It made me smile at 4 in the morning so I thought I would share it.

Good News

I had a doctors appointment this morning. I’ve been dreading this appointment for days now, knowing that I haven’t seen him since right after Thanksgiving, and I was worried about the weight gain. Good news for me, made my day, I almost bought me a milk shake, but settled for a tootsie roll instead, but I only gained 1 pound. I almost did a little dance in the office I was so happy. With Alyssa I gained a total of 16 pounds, and I’m up 6 pounds total now with this baby and half way there, so here’s hoping that I can keep the weight gain under 10 pounds…

I know that there is no scientific proof that a heart rate can tell you the sex of the babies, but today the heart rate was in the 140’s, and all of my girls have had heart rates in the 160’s. I love my girls, but really, how many pair of mary janes shoes, and tights can one woman endure? Not to mention the amount of time it takes me to do hair in the mornings, and I think Danny is really scared I might buy more hair things, and he and Tanner will be over taken by bows, ribbons and barretts. But girls are so much fun, and really very easy. I know I don’t have teenagers yet, and it’s very possible it will change, but really people should stop scarring me about teenagers. Can they really be that bad? If I hear one more time from complete strangers, and people I know how bad my life is going to be in a few years, you’re really scaring me, they should not warn me. Ignorance is bliss, and I’ll deal with it when I have to. I’m such a worrier anyway, I really don’t need the pressure. Kind of off topic there… sorry.

Sunday update

It’s been a week since I blogged last. My schedule has been a little altered, Danny has had the last two weeks off work, and it’s been great, but I am looking forward to getting back to my normal schedule.
So I’m down to 10 days until we have our big ultrasound. Hopefully everything is good with the baby, but I must admit, I will be a little upset if we can’t figure out what this baby is. My doctor, the little stinker that he is sometimes, doesn’t think that finding out the sex of the baby is important, so if he happens to notice it, he might tell you, and then again, he might not. With the last two babies, he’s given me a 60% chance of a girl, I think I could have guaranteed myself those odds without his expertise. Anyway, I’m tapping into my not so reliable woman powers, and they say this is another girl. I’d love to hear what everyone else thinks. This is what the family is thinking:

Danny- boy
Emma- girl
Tanner- boy
Aubrey- boy, although has changed to a girl since that is what Emma answered
Alyssa- boy

As for this week, We’ve painted my bedroom, saw Bedtime Stories, and went to Scheels. Over all I think the kids had a good vacation, there is a part of me that is sad to see the kids go back to school tomorrow, but such is life.

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