The Good, Bad and Ugly

There was a lot of ugliness today.  The slum lord of this house, is not exactly my favorite person.  I marched all 5 kids into his office today to show him that we were real people.  The house was not cleaned, and it has major plumbing leaks.  The flooring is nasty, and I can’t use the laundry room because of a large leak in the upstairs bathroom that keeps flooding the basement.  Really did he not think I would notice?  I think I finally have his attention, after threatening to call the health department and getting the house condemned, he told me to make a list of things.  Hmmm, should I start with the scotch tape holding the counter tops together, or how about the water damage done to all of the floors and ceilings.  Oh wait, maybe the missing shingles, can’t wait for a snow storm, we’ll really be able to experience it as it falls INTO the house.  So since I have decided that I will find a positive in every situations, here we go.  The rooms are large, and there is a space for all of the kids.  The outside of the house is fab, it is on a full acre and it backs to a creek that the kids can sled down and also explore the woods.  We back to a state park with a lake.  There is fishing, hiking, bike trails, and really the neighborhood is very picturesque.  The house has a large wrap around porch that I can’t wait to sit on.  So delightful, as long as you don’t go inside.

The Relief Society President brought us dinner tonight.  We were brought dinner last night and again tomorrow night.  This has been so nice.  The RSP was truly inspired today.  She showed up unannounced at the height of all chaos happening.  I was in tears, and she swooped me off into her car for a tour of town and a trip to some of the best hot spots.  We went to a little German grocery store.  I wish I could remember the name of it, but what a sweet little store.  They have all of their own brand products, and they sell them cheap.  So cheap that you have to insert a quarter into the cart in order to use it and if you think they are going to bag your stuff you are out of luck, and they don’t provide any bags for you either.  Although boxes are free if you collect them yourself while walking through the store.  Milk was $1.29 a gallon.  For you Daytonites, Smiths isn’t Smiths here.  It’s Kroger, and it’s a super Kroger, a lot like a Super Wal Mart only nicer and more like a Target.  They have furniture, sheets, towels, a mini doctor clinic… tons of services.  It’s only 5 minutes from the house, and delightful.

So although things aren’t all fairies, rainbows and unicorns, it’s decent, and I have hope that it will only get better.  Danny starts work on Monday and that will be the last of our unknowns.  We have already met delightful people, and can’t wait to go to church on Sunday.