
I can’t say enough good things about  the school system here.  I am so grateful for the wonderful school district we have moved into.  Aubrey is learning Microsoft word (in first grade)! When we got here she was way behind, she has worked so hard and is now at or above where they wanted her to be, what a relief.  Tanner’s teacher is the most amazing person.  I’m so impressed by her.  She has Tanner on a fast track to having most of his math and English requirements done for college by the time he graduates from high school.  They offer pre-algebra for 6th graders and he will be taking a pre-algebra camp class this summer that the school offers.  Emma’s a little miffed because in Dayton 7th grade honors math was pre-algebra so this will put Tanner ahead of her, she’ll be fine 😉  Nothing like a little competition to drive you to new levels right?

Today I chaperoned Tanner’s class at Camp Mary Orton.  They had a blast.  Here are a few highlights of the trip.


2 thoughts on “School”

  1. You have had quite a few adventures since your move! My mom told us and I was so so so glad to know you are all ok after that carbon monoxide leak. Glad to know you haven’t floated away or blown off during some of the storms a few weeks ago either.

  2. That looks like lots of fun. I hope you get a riding mower soon! I love reading about all of you. Happy Memorial Day!

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