Just another manic monday… oooo oooo…

“Just another manic monday… oooo oooo… wish it were Sunday… ooooo oooo, that’s my fun day…” was blaring on the overhead music. I thought to myself how fitting for my day. In between the oooo’s there was the buzzing sound and then the statrling flinch that comes when water splashes onto my face. Oh where’s my fun day? Then Cindi Lauper comes on and I vision her pink hair half shaved and her hidious makeup, oh the things that go through your head when you are at the dentist. It was all going fairly well except for the annoying music and the occasional splash of water when I hear something really large go up that suckie thing, and the dentist says “hmmm interesting”. Hmmm interesting, are you serious, that is all you can say… I guess it is better then “oops”, or “uh oh” but still, what does that mean. I knew it couldn’t be good. My eyes are still closed, I assume that he’ll tell me if something serious is going on, and what good does it do to look anyway, all I have to look at is a fire sprinkler directly above my head, and the thoughts that come with that aren’t much better then the picture of Cindy Lauper in my head. I hear the nurse go out and talk with the front, and then I hear the front lady tell the people waiting that they are running 30 minutes behind. How can they be running 30 minutes behind it’s 8 in the AM and I’m the only person in there so far… duh, it’s me that is running 30 minutes behind, I’m assuming it has something to do with the “hmmm interesting” statement. So now I’m flinching with the water splashing, and my butt muscles starts to twitch, at least it’s a twitch no one can tell is happening, and it gives me something else to ponder. Do you think there is a connection from my right uppper back tooth to a twitch in the right lower cheek? Hmmm, I’m sure when I’m finished here that I’ll delete this out of embarassment. Buzz buzz, flinch flinch, twitch twitch, oooo that’s my fun day. After an hour and a half of this I finally emerged my twitch has stopped, I pay my $600 and wonder why I didn’t stop for a $20 pedicure instead of driving all the way to the dentist… don’t you think they should have at least given me a massage for that price? Sigh…

3 thoughts on “Just another manic monday… oooo oooo…”

  1. So what was the big thing that got sucked up the tube. I was waiting in anticipation for what it was. I know there is connections between teeth and other parts of the body because when I had a crown put on (a gold one) I could have squished a coal into a diamond in my hand. Instead, my slobber tissue got it.

  2. For the sake of proper english, I meant to write “I know there are connections….” I wrote “is”.

  3. It was my brain… Really, it was a part of the tooth that he had spent the entire time building up only to have all the work go flying up the tube…

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