I must be in some sort of funk, I can’t seem to find the motivation to blog, and I love to blog. The hopes of eventually printing and putting my blog in a book as a journal for my children keeps me motivated, so I’m going to go ahead and blame my lack of entries lately on my pregnancy.
As for the pregnancy, all is well, and I am down to just a few weeks before it all ends. I’m nervous, excited, and can’t wait to see the newest little one. We still don’t have a name.
The week after Easter the kids had Spring Break. I talked with the doctor hoping to go to San Francisco or somewhere with the kids, because the brown of this place we live is really starting to get to me, but he grounded me and said he’d prefer I didn’t go anywhere. So wanting the kids to have a good break, they deserve it, they work so hard at school, we came up with a game plan.
Danny took the week off of work, and we planned something local for each day of the week. The kids have been wanting to go camping, so Danny put the tent up in the back yard on Monday night. It was pretty cold, but because we didn’t have to go far, we piled tons of blankets on them and Danny being the good Dad that he is spent Monday night in the tent with them.
Tuesday ahhh! this is why it is important to write this down when you are in the middle of it. Anyway, one day we went to the local children museum, it’s nothing spectacular, but close and fun for all of their different ages. Emma and Tanner loved the virtual maze that they had projected on the floor, Aubrey and Alyssa loved the cannon of air that shot balloons into the air.
We spent a day at Scheels, which is a sporting goods store in Reno, it has a carousel, shooting range, soccer simulator game, and other activities for very cheap. One of the days we got our peas planted and picked weeds, cleaned up the strawberry patch and prepared for our summer garden. The kids also went and saw Monsters vs. Aliens. I took Alyssa shopping with me while they went to the movie. I have no tolerance for any sort of kid movie lately, I’m almost as sick of kids movies as I am of the brown, I guess it’s been a long winter. So no trip to Disneyland, but I think everyone had a good time.

Tanner had his first pinewood derby this past Wednesday night. He’s been so excited about it, but I’m not sure he was as excited as Danny. Tanner designed it and helped Danny cut it out. They painted it and shined it, and spent a few evenings down at the local UPS store to weigh it so they could get it just right. Tanner’s only demand was that a star wars dude, I wont attempt to tell you what dude it is because I wouldn’t know, but this dude had to drive his car. Tanner took 3rd place!
Oh how could I forget, Alyssa got her first haircut. Alyssa is so easily traumatized, and she was very scared. I was so proud of her though, she sat through it and it turned out so cute. Her hair was getting so long, but very thin and stringy and now it’s so much fuller and cuter, and it can grow out even.

I had to throw in this picture of Aubrey because she is just the cutest soccer player I’ve seen. This is her sport, she scores almost every game and turns into a little aggressive monster out there, but a cute monster.